
Файл: Half-Life 2: Runes v1.0a
Раздел :  Игры / Half-Life 2 / Модификации / Сетевые 
Имя файла :  HL2RunesV1.0a.exe [короткая ссылка]
Размер файла :  27.95 Mb
Дата обновления :  29 / 01 / 2007
Просмотров (скачиваний) :  3654 (142)
Описание :  Half-Life 2: Runes is a simple modification for Half-Life 2:Deathmatch®. It is an adaption of the classic Quake mod known as Rune Quake(Originally known as Artifact) This Mod adds special powerups called Runes.

A Rune is a type of powerup. Unlike most powerups, Runes do not time out and last as long as you want them. They can be dropped and picked up again, but you can only carry one at a time(There is however a rune that allows you the fuse two separate runes together to form a super-rune). Some Runes are automatic, That is they require no user intervention to work. Others Rune require the user to activate them. You do this by pressing the Rune Action Key(Default c). The Rune may be dropped again by pressing the Drop Rune key (default x). When carrying a Rune, an icon will appear in the upper right hand corner of the screen that will identify the rune. It may also give information about the runes state(For example the Rune of Camouflage will indicate that you are visible by showing a person icon). Runes come into existence all over the place. Although they tend to collect in certain areas. As to the origins of these strange tokens neither the combine or rebels know. Their sudden appearance in City 17 during a period of strife is an uneasy reminder that there may be greater and more terrible powers watching from unknown places.


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